
Welcome! I am a pinterest and instagram obsessed college blogger.

Quarantine Day 50

Quarantine Day 50

Quarantine Update:

To be honest, there hasn’t been much to write about. Days run together and it seems that when there is a glimmer of hope, some more bad news floods and demolishes it. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, I do not like uncertainty, and I am learning to live in uncertainty and unknown and be okay with it.

In this time, I have been reminded that I can plan as much as I want, however, ultimately, I am not in control. As much as I want everything to be perfect, that is not reality. For example, my college experience. I watched students older than me and wanted every class and plan I make to be perfect. I wanted to make the most of my time and have all the best experiences. So, I took summer classes after freshman year and then studied abroad summer before my junior year. And then, I got an internship for summer before my senior year and I had done it all. But, just like that, life happens and my plan is no longer perfect. And, the corporate summer internship I worked so hard to secure, was canceled. I did not leave room for error on my plan and once again, I am stuck living in unknown. I have been reminded that nothing is promised to us. As a Christian, you are not promised money or comfortable living. We are asked to take up our cross and follow the Lord.

Through all of this, I’ve learned that everything we strive for, our dream job or the perfect vacation, can be taken away in a second. Unfortunately, hard work is not always the answer. We live in a world that wants instant gratification. I am guilty of it. However, that is impossible to get right now. No one knows what is happening. I am reminded that time can heal all and difficult things aren’t solved overnight.

In uncertainty and turmoil, I’m reminded to start each day with a grateful heart. Gratitude is so important and there is always something to be thankful for. I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life and I am trusting God to point me in the right direction. So, I have chosen not to be anxious about my summer plans or what my senior year of college is going to look like. I am challenging myself to live in the moment and take it day by day.

x o,


Quarantine Thoughts: Temporary Home

Quarantine Thoughts: Temporary Home

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