
Welcome! I am a pinterest and instagram obsessed college blogger.

Quarantine Thoughts: Temporary Home

Quarantine Thoughts: Temporary Home

This is My Temporary Home:

Day after day. More bad news. Another headline, another day of the same.

I don’t think anyone could have imagined that this is our world. I would have never guessed it would get to this point. Every. single. aspect. of. life. is touched by COVID and seems to be destroyed. You can’t escape it.

In the midst of every COVID-19 headline, there is still normal suffering and pain that brokenness that consumes our world. Just because we are in a pandemic does not mean that normal struggles go away. No, unfortunately, COVID-19 just adds another layer of evil that we all have to deal with.

Our world is materialistic and is filled with pain and suffering, and I am reminded of a Bible study I did with my basketball team senior year of high school. We talked about being homesick for a place we have never been. And how we know that as Christians, earth is temporary and we long for our eternal life with Jesus. It’s a weird feeling but as Christians, it provides hope.

There is no denying that this world is full of evil and pain. But there is somewhere better and we are only visiting earth. My human mind can’t fully comprehend what it will be like, but my soul longs for something better. I imagine all my favorite views, mountains, sunsets, beaches, fresh air multiplied by a million and made ten times better and that is heaven.

As I think about heaven and how it is truly so much better than we can ever imagine, the Carrie Underwood song, “Temporary Home” just is on repeat in my head.


"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong
Windows in rooms that I'm passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary home."

My best friend Bailey sends me Sprinkle of Jesus notifications that pop up on her phone. They somehow always pertain to what one of us is going through. A recent one read,

“Let it Go. Recognize when something is over and let it go. Moving on isn’t a catastrophic event, choose to move forward with peace and clarity”.

As the cycle of bad news continues and continues, I am trying to move forward with peace and clarity knowing that this world is temporary and that this too shall pass.

x o,


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