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Final Days Abroad: Maastricht (ONE YEAR LATER)

Final Days Abroad: Maastricht (ONE YEAR LATER)

Final Days Abroad: Maastricht

June 24, 2019- June 28, 2019

It is so crazy that my study abroad trop was a year ago. It feels like yesterday and at the same time, it kinda feels like it never happened. Our final week of studying abroad, we decided to stay in Maastricht. We finished classes and had a few days where we could travel. Originally, our plan was to go to London. However, what no one tells you about studying abroad and traveling Europe is that the constant travel is exhausting. Figuring out the trains and the times and then carrying all your stuff in a backpack and making sure that you watch all your belongings on the train. Is it exhausting? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.

So, our final days abroad, we decided to stay in Maastricht. Even though we were studying at the University of Maastricht, we spent our days in Maastricht at the school or at the guest house. So, we spent our final days biking around Maastricht, and walking down streets we hadn’t seen yet. And then our nights were filled with our favorite restaurants and exploring the night life. When in Rome. Well, Maastricht.

Maastricht is seriously the cutest little town (so cute and clean that they vacuum the streets) and I loved our final days exploring. Here’s to going back one day…


back in the U.S.


Thankful for these memories and my time studying abroad.

x o x o,


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