
Welcome! I am a pinterest and instagram obsessed college blogger.

College Day in my Life (Baylor University)

College Day in my Life (Baylor University)

Day in my Life 2/4/19

Hi friends! I thought it would be fun to do a day in my life blog style! I love to be noisy and stalk other people’s lives, so why not share mine?

I had two tests, so I started my day early. 6am to be exact. I was ready to leave before 7am, so I could go to the business school and study for my two morning tests. I am a firm believer in the early bird gets the worm!!

iphone quality pictures for the win :)

iphone quality pictures for the win :)

Then, I left the business school after meeting with my accounting professor, to go practice for my Spanish, literature, memorization test.


My Spanish test was at 9:05am and then I had my accounting test at 10:10. Once I finished, I reserved a study room in the business school to get more work done because the grind never stops.


Then, I had lunch, went to my afternoon class, and went home to get my life together!!! I made a huge fruit salad and did some laundry!!


Monday night means chapter meeting for my sorority!!! After meeting, every Monday is BACHELOR NIGHT!! I love being able to destress and I always watch with some of my best friends and roommates for next year!!

One again, the iphone quality pictures!!

One again, the iphone quality pictures!!

Once 9:00pm hits, I zoom home to go to bed!!

Hope you enjoyed reliving my Monday with me :)



Nicaragua 2017

Nicaragua 2017

Freshman Dorm Room Tour

Freshman Dorm Room Tour