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The TRUTH About College

The TRUTH About College:

I wrote this list back my freshman year of college. I just graduated from Baylor and thought it was time to finally post this. My biggest piece of advice would be to enjoy college and soak up every minute.

  • You can’t chose your hall mates in your freshman year dorm.

    Before college, even the first part of freshman year, I thought that I’d become close with all my hall mates in my dorm. However, even though I was friends with some of the people I lived next to, it was not as glamours as I thought it would be.

  • You can never use your laptop in class.

    Once again, I had preconceived notions that I would not need anything except my laptop. But, especially freshman year, I wasn’t allowed to use my laptop in class. So, make sure you bring normal school supplies :)

  • You must go to class.

    Obviously, things have changed since COVID, but I think that it’s so important to actually go to class. Because even if you have the best self discipline, it’s hard to teach yourself.

  • Living in the same place as all of your friends is a luxury.

    Now that I’ve moved, I know how true this one really is. I’d heard this piece of advice from multiple people but seriously, being able to be 5 minutes from all your friends is a once in a lifetime opportunity. So, go on walks and hang out with friends any chance you have.

  • People can surprise you.

    Not only do you friends and social situations change in 4 years, you will also change and evolve and learn more about yourself.

  • Leaving home doesn’t get easier.

    Being out of state, is difficult. Especially when I had friends who could easily see their parents on the weekend, it is a difficult adjustment. I have a whole blog post about leaving home. Linking that post here.

  • Everyone studies differently.
    Some people study best in groups, some people need music, some need complete silence, some need notecards and some can write it over and over again. Here’s what I learned, the best way to have a full understanding, is to be able to teach someone else. So, the best way for me to study, was to study alone, fully understand it, and then study with a friend in that class and explain a concept to them.

  • Enjoy the flexibility in your schedule.
    Not going to lie, being in college, is the best in regards to flexibility and being able to do what you want when you want. Now that I am working, I realize my schedule will never be like that again. You are only responsible for yourself, you can nap in the middle of the day, workout whenever you want, or watch a movie in the middle of the day. Enjoy that free time while it lasts. In the moment, it didn’t seem like I had that much free time, but now I realize that I really did.

  • You’ll probably end up living where you go to school.

    This is one that I didn’t expect. When choosing a school, I didn’t think that I would be choosing the place I would live post grad. Here’s the reality: a lot of job opportunities and friends will be where you go to school. It’s not impossible to find a job elsewhere, but it’s something to take into consideration when you go to school somewhere.

  • College is the best 4 years.

    Man oh man. I’d go back in a heartbeat. Not going to lie, I even miss going to class. So enjoy college while it lasts.

