XOXO Megan

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Some Day When We Aren't 6 Feet Apart

Some day when we aren’t 6 feet apart

What’s the first thing you’re going to do when life is normal?

Will you hug a stranger? Smile at everyone and anyone? Touch your face in public? See whatever friends and family and fully enjoy their presence? Oh how sweet and clean the air will feel when life is normal again. We all long for that day. 

Who would have thought that this would be the world we live in. Where is sitting at home watching a movie from 2010 thinking... “where are their masks? Why are their masks off”. I still cannot seem to wrap my head around our new “normal”.

In the midst of sitting in disbelief and wondering how we got to this, we must still move on and have some resemblance of normal life. But is it so wrong to wish for normal and the better days to come? But aren’t we told to constantly live in the moment? 

And that is where I am struggling. As someone who plans and plans and plans, this season of life has tested and retested me. 

As a senior who does not want to graduate... I want to live in the millisecond, not moment. I want to remember every walk across campus and interaction with all my friends. I want to experience as much college life as I can even though life is not normal. But I want the pandemic to be done. But I want to live in this moment forever.

So where does that leave me? How do I live when I don’t want the moment to end but at the same time I long for a time when I can see my friends and family without the fear of getting someone sick.

I think the best weapon to combat this weird feeling is gratitude. In the midst of confusion and longing for something else, I am reminded to be grateful for this moment. I thank God for my health, my family, my friends, fresh air, a college I love so much I don’t want to leave and every other small blessing.

Thanks for reading my random thoughts.

Also, highly recommend listening to the song “Some Day When Aren’t 6 Feet Apart” by Luke Combs. It is worth the listen :)

Until next time,

