XOXO Megan

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Leap of Faith - summer 2020 plans

Hi friends!

I am a planner. I like to know what is happening in my life… down to every hour.

However, as of right now, I am very unclear as to my summer plans for 2020. I am a junior in college and this will be my last official summer, which is so crazy. This summer my sister is graduating from high school, I am turning 21, and my nugget of a little brother will just be living his best life. So, naturally, I want to be home to soak up the time I have left at home. That might not be the case though.

Being a junior business student, means getting a summer internship. I am at the point in the process of waiting and doing the final round of interviews. And I am not a huge fan of waiting.

Part of it, is out of my control, as they are both competitive opportunities and the company could decide to drop me and go in a different direction. Which is ultimately what I am grasping onto. I know that everything will work out the way it is supposed to, but the impatient part of me just wants to know. I want to know where I will be living, who I will be working for and what my summer will look like.

Growth happens when you are pushed outside of your comfort zone, and one of these opportunities definitely pushes me out of mine. One is the more “safe” option, but what is wrong with wanting what is safe, and comfortable when I can bask in the blessing of being home.

So here’s to trusting the Lord and His sovereignty over my life and taking a leap of faith.

x o x o,
